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Breast Lift Houston and Lake Jackson, TX

Because of the natural effects of aging, pregnancy and breast-feeding, breasts can lose their youthful appearance over time. Weight loss can also create loose skin and a lack of firmness in breast tissue. At Town and Country Plastic Surgeons, we can help create more elevated, perkier breasts through breast lift surgery.

About Breast Lift Surgery

A breast lift, otherwise known as mastopexy, restores a firmer and more pleasing shape to breasts that sag or are uneven. The procedure may address drooping nipples and an enlarged pigmented area (areola) around the nipple as well. By removing excess or stretched skin and shaping the breast tissue, a breast lift can create the appearance of a youthful and natural-looking breast.

Benefits of a Breast Lift

A breast lift can improve the shape and contour of the breasts which can improve Houston and Lake Jackson patients body image and self-esteem. Cosmetic advantages include rounder and firmer breasts with smaller, more elevated nipple positions and improved symmetry. As age or life events contribute to sagging breasts, muscles may lose the ability to fully support them. While a breast lift is not a breast reduction, it can position the breasts so that the supporting muscles work more efficiently.

Breast Lift can also have multiple secondary benefits such as:

  • Preventing skin irritation underneath the breasts
  • Making exercising and other physical activities more comfortable
  • Reducing breast-related neck and shoulder discomfort
  • Restoring a more natural-looking appearance to the breasts

Before & After Breast Lift

Patient: Breast Lift w Fat Injections (Post-op/ 3 Months)

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Breast Lift Actual Patient - Before


Breast Lift Actual Patient - After


Candidates For Breast Lift Surgery

Women who are experiencing drooping or sagging breasts and who are seeking surgical correction and long-term results may be candidates for this procedure. Houston and Lake Jackson patients who want to determine candidacy for the procedure may benefit from considering some essential questions:

  • Am I physically healthy?
  • Is my weight stable?
  • Do I avoid tobacco products?
  • Are my nipples below my breast crease?
  • Do my nipples point downward?
  • Are my breasts symmetrical?
  • Is one lower than the other?
  • Are my breasts elongated and pendulous?
  • Have my breasts lost their shape?

During your consultation with our doctors, these factors and more will be discussed, and a customized treatment plan will be created to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Our board certified plastic surgeons will tell you what you need to know to prepare for surgery and will continue to treat you throughout the healing process in order to enhance the overall rejuvenation experience.

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Actual patient of dr Yarish

What Is The Recovery From A Breast Lift Like?

When you head home after surgery, you’ll be in a surgical bra that keeps your breasts securely in place. The first few days after your breast lift, you’ll probably feel sore and may have some swelling. We recommend walking around but avoiding other strenuous activity for three to four weeks. We recommend taking about a week off work to recover, so plan these days in advance. Otherwise, you should be able to wear a bra of your choice in four to six weeks. You might develop some loss of sensitivity in your nipples, but for most Houston and Lake Jackson patients, this only lasts a few months after surgery.

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Have questions about how a breast lift works? Don’t worry, as we’ve compiled some of our most frequently asked questions asked by patients with their corresponding answers below.

What’s The Difference Between A Breast Lift and Breast Implants?

A breast lift focuses solely on raising and reshaping your existing breast tissue for a perkier appearance. Nothing is added to boost the volume, and nothing is taken away. Breast implants, on the other hand, are either silicone- or saline-based inserts that can be used to make your breasts larger. Tissue can also be removed in a breast reduction (during the lift at the same time). In other words, a breast lift can be performed with an increase in size using implants (or fat injections) or it can be performed with a reduction in size. While we frequently combine the breast lift with either of these two procedures for exceptional results, many of our Houston and Lake Jackson patients find that merely getting a breast lift is enough to boost their confidence.

Does A Breast Lift Leave A Lot Of Scars?

Inevitably, there is some scarring involved with a breast lift. How much scarring you’ll have depends most on your own genetic profile. However, incisions will be made in areas with the least visibility, meaning you can comfortably wear a bikini top or other low-cut top without a problem. And with the right aftercare, your scars fade until they are barely visible. To facilitate scar minimization, our doctors use a combination of scar scream, silicone tape, and or laser therapy to assist in the healing process. These scar reduction methods are included in your cost of the procedure. Of course, every Houston and Lake Jackson individual is different, and the tendency to develop nearly invisible versus unsightly scars is also based on genetics.

Are Breast Lifts Permanent?

If you stay in shape and don’t gain a lot of weight, your breast lift results will be long-lasting. Keep in mind, however, that you’ll still go through the natural aging process. Your breasts might begin to sag again as you get older, but they won’t revert to how they were before your surgery, keeping you looking better than if you hadn’t had the surgery.

Will A Breast Lift Be Painful?

Because you’ll be under anesthesia, you won’t feel any pain during the procedure. In most cases, you won’t experience severe pain after a breast lift. Instead, you might feel a slight soreness or discomfort. Keeping your surgical bra on during your recovery is key to limiting your pain, as it keeps breasts in place as they heal. If you experience pain, the medication we provide will help.

Can I Still Nurse After A Breast Lift?

There is no medical reason not to nurse after a breast lift whether or not an implant is used. However, for most patients who want/need a breast lift, childbearing is the very reason they request the lift in the first place. Pregnancy will stretch the breast whether you nurse or not. Nothing says you can’t repeat the lift after an additional pregnancy and our doctors have done this many times. But most Houston and Lake Jackson women wait until they are done having children before they have the lift.

Serving the Houston and Lake Jackson areas in Texas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how breast lift surgery can improve the appearance and shape of your breasts.

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