Facelift for Men Houston and Lake Jackson, TX
Time can have a significant effect on a man’s appearance. With age comes wisdom, but that wisdom can show the accumulation of wrinkles, deep skin folds and a tired appearance that causes men to feel uncomfortable in their own skin. Fortunately, men located in Houston or Lake Jackson can “turn back the clock” and regain a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance with facelift surgery.
Here at Town and Country Plastic Surgeons, we offer a wide range of anti-aging programs with a holistic approach. At our Houston and Lake Jackson offices, men can access the type of service that meets their needs, including surgical procedures such as facelift surgery. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
About Facelift
Facelift surgery is known as a rhytidectomy in the world of medicine. It is a plastic surgery procedure that is used to improve the visible signs of aging on the face by lifting and tightening the facial tissues that have started to sag. Men from Houston and Lake Jackson experience results that are natural-looking and provide a younger appearing result.
Many men believe a facelift addresses the entire face. However, a facelift addresses the lower face and neck, from the cheeks down. Some may feel a facelift may leave them to look more feminine or unnatural. By carefully removing excess skin, gently lifting and tightening the underlying soft tissue, our doctors are able to smooth deep folds, lines, and wrinkles around the cheeks and jawline, as well as restore lost volume to keep you looking masculine and natural. This type of cosmetic surgery improves the self confidence of Houston and Lake Jackson men and helps them to feel better about their appearance.
Dr. Yarish and Dr. Bartlett make significant cosmetic changes for their patients every day – changes that look natural, not surgical. They have a deep understanding of the fundamental nature of beauty – how it’s perceived and how it personally affects us – and by combining the art and science of plastic surgery with this personal and gentle touch, they are able to give Houston and Lake Jackson men long-lasting, natural results.
Before & After
Patient: Facelift, Necklift, Blepharoplasty (Upper Lower), Tarsoraphy, Temporal Browlift, TCA Peel (Lids, Crow’s Feet), Fat Injections (Cheeks); Post-Op/ 8 Months



Reasons to Consider A Facelift
A man’s skin loses firmness and elasticity over time, along with volume. Gradually, the effects of this process result in the loose skin, deep wrinkles, jowls and facial folds that are the tell-tale signs of age. Facelift surgery can provide men with a return of the firm and more youthful face they once had. There are a number of reasons men consider a facelift. Some of the most common are:
- Desire to look more refreshed and rejuvenated but still look like yourself
- Achieve better long term results that other treatments cannot provide
- Gaining the jawline you had in your youth
- Match the age on the outside to how you feel on the inside
Candidates for Facelift
Adult men of all ages can undergo a facelift, provided they are in good overall health. It depends on each individual’s degree of aging and personal aesthetic goals. Generally, most Houston and Lake Jackson men seek a facelift as they begin to see signs of aging, including poor skin elasticity, sagging skin and volume loss, in their early 50’s (sometimes earlier), while others don’t experience significant signs of aging until later.
If you are bothered by your facial appearance, the best thing you can do is call our office to schedule an initial consultation so we can carefully examine your face and make the best recommendation based on your unique needs.
How A Facelift Works
There are different types of facelift surgery, including the mini-facelift and the standard facelift. The condition of the patient’s skin, volume loss and the type of results desired will determine the technique that is used. Typically, general anesthesia is given for this type of surgery, though it is possible for less intensive procedures to be performed using local anesthesia with sedation.
Treatment Plan
At Town and Country Plastic Surgeons, we believe that skin and body rejuvenation is an evolutionary process that does not begin and end solely with the surgery itself.
While we do know that surgery is the most dramatic and gratifying part of the rejuvenation process, our doctors can enhance and even maximize your surgery results with our “comprehensive rejuvenation concept.” This concept is essentially a treatment plan specifically designed for each procedure in order to prepare the skin and body for surgery and to aid the healing process following your surgery.
For facelift surgery, the comprehensive rejuvenation process begins with an aesthetician skin evaluation and a microdermabrasion. You will be placed on a skin care regimen that will start 2 weeks before your procedure and will continue 4-6 weeks after. After your procedure, you will have weekly visits with our aestheticians for lymphatic massage and ultrasound treatments. These painless treatments help improve bruising, swelling, inflammation after surgery and maximize results after facelift surgery.
We do recognize that many people do not have the time or inclination to take advantage of the complete program, and we want to assure you that your surgical results will be the best attainable anywhere. However, if you are in a position to take advantage of the “comprehensive rejuvenation concept,” you will find the entire experience to be more relaxing, and you will know that you have treated yourself to the most unique and gratifying experience that plastic surgery has to offer. And you will know that you have availed yourself of the ultimate in skin and body rejuvenation.
The Facelift Recovery Process
Dr. Yarish and Dr. Bartlett take great care in preparing each facelift surgery patient for their recovery before they even enter the operating room. Facelift recovery is typically straightforward, but by following some of these important steps, the recovery process can be very smooth. When preparing for your procedure, be sure to:
- Arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you for a few days to help take care of you
- Stock up on healthy, well-balanced food options you can enjoy during your recovery
- Fill your prescription medications our doctors provide at your pre-op appointment
- If you’re a smoker, stop smoking at least 4 weeks prior to your facelift surgery and plan to stop for 6 weeks after
- Give yourself 7-14 days off work in order to recover
Following your facelift procedure, our doctors will send you home with facial dressings that should remain in place. You will be seen the morning following your surgery where you will have your hair washed, incisions cleaned, and you will be given a small elastic dressing that helps swelling. You will be allowed to shower daily but will have to wear the elastic bandage around the clock for 7 days.
The first day after your procedure, you will still feel sleepy and groggy. You will have some degree of swelling and tightness in the first few days following your surgery. To minimize your discomfort, be sure to take the medication prescribed on the recommended schedule. To reduce your facial swelling, keep your head elevated as outlined in the postoperative instructions provided, although we encourage walking gently as much as possible during early recovery to facilitate healing and to avoid complications.
Most people are able to return to sedentary jobs within two weeks. More demanding occupations may require more time. You might still notice some minor swelling and bruising in the area, but this will continue to fade. If you have facial hair, you may begin to trim or shave this after 2 weeks.
Our doctors’ medical spa will use ultrasound and lymphatic massage (this is included with your surgery package) to aid the healing process. As long as you follow your aftercare instructions, your recovery should go smoothly.
Frequently Asked Questions About Male Facelift Surgery
Houston and Lake Jackson men thinking about getting a facelift can find answers below to some of our most frequently asked questions. Our doctors invest significant personal, quality time with their patients to make sure they get the individual care required for the results they hope to achieve.
What is the Difference in a Facelift for a Man Compared to a Female?
The aging process that happens in men and women is similar, in that there is loss of facial volume and skin laxity. Men can also develop more fat accumulation in the neck which can be particularly bothersome. When performing a male facelift, the goal is not to feminize the face. Our doctors aim to restore a masculine and natural result which involves flattening out deep creases, particularly in the nasal fold region, creating a more smooth jawline and refined neck. Because facial volume loss also happens in men, fat is typically added back to areas that have lost volume, however, less fat is typically required when compared to women’s facelifts. Typical locations for fat grafting include nasolabial folds and the chin. The surgery will be tailored to your individual needs, depending on your anatomy and goals. Our doctors will comprehensively evaluate you to determine what those needs are.
Are the Incisions the Same for a Male and Female Patient?
While incision placement is very similar for a male and female patient, there are special considerations for a male facelift. Men are more likely to have hair thinning or hair loss, thus incision placement must be customized to ensure the final scar location is located in inconspicuous locations. Typical facelift scars are located around the ear and extend into the hairline for camouflage. On many occasions, an incision on the underside of your chin is needed to remove neck fat. This scar is well camouflaged in a natural crease and can be further hidden by facial hair. A special scar gel will be started immediately after surgery to help ensure a fine and barely recognizable scar.
Are Complications Different for a Male Facelift?
The risks are very similar for both males and females undergoing a facelift. Risks include bleeding, infection, numbness, and facial weakness. Male facelift patients have a higher risk of bleeding after facelift surgery because of their thicker skin. This is why it is very important to ensure your blood pressure is well controlled before undergoing your procedure. A special blood pressure patch will be placed on you for 3 days after surgery to help decrease that risk. Following all postoperative instructions will also help to minimize those risks.